I started out my career studying photography. I went to one of the more prestigious schools in RJ, Brazil, where I learned lighting, dark rooms, and even how to develop film, back when people still used it. Music was a passion of mine, and my original plan was to travel the world capturing musicians and bands on film. But as time went on, things changed. I discovered advertising and I fell in love with it. Good advertising. Big ideas. Ideas that make you say, “I wish I thought of that.” Ideas born from a human truth, that make you feel something. Nothing phony or forced. I also love documentaries. I can watch them all day (and all night). Ask me about one you’ve watched, and, chances are, I’ve watched it too. I even shot a documentary myself once, but, like most stories, this one is better told in person, so ask me about it if and when we meet. In my 15+ year advertising career, I helped land both AMC and the NGC channel while at a very small shop called Union (2001—2005). At Union I also created one of the more infamous NYC Subway ad campaigns, for a law firm called Shandell, Blitz. The campaign was featured in CA Magazine and The Onion newspaper. Even though the concept was outrageous, it helped the firm score its biggest lawsuit settlement ever. Comedy works, even when the subject matter is anything but fun. I’ve also freelanced for a while at Nitro, where I worked on the Nike/Foot Locker account, then at Brooklyn Brothers for about two years, working on United Nations, Ural Motorcycles, and MMA. While at JWT, I worked on Zyrtec, Listerine, Tylenol, Motrin, Band-Aid, Sudafed, Benadryl, Nestle, Schick, JP Morgan and New York Cares, among others. Most recently, I’ve worked on Otezla and helped launch their 2023/24 advertising campaign.